Quality politics
Exafan's Board of Directors is responsible for designing, evaluating and permanently reviewing the Governance and Sustainability System and, specifically, for approving and updating corporate policies.
In the exercise of these responsibilities, and aware that the excellent management of all the processes and resources of the companies belonging to the Group is an essential lever for the sustainable creation of value for all its Stakeholders and for the fulfilment of the provisions of the Group's Purpose and Values.
- The purpose of this Policy is to develop the company's instruments to reinforce the competitiveness of the products and services provided through process efficiency, paying special attention to the excellent management of processes and resources.
- It is the responsibility of all members of Exafan to maintain a permanent attitude of improvement of the internal organisation, processes and services.
- In activities aimed at achieving Quality, preference should be given to the preventive aspect over the corrective aspect.
- The Management expresses its commitment to the achievement of the objectives of the Quality Policy and to this effect:
- It shall provide the organisation with the human and technical resources necessary at all times to ensure the quality of services.
- Disseminate and maintain the Quality Policy to all members of the organisation.
- He/she shall ensure a favourable environment for the promotion of Quality within the organisation, training and motivating personnel, and encouraging and taking advantage of the maximum development of the capabilities of the members of the organisation.
- It shall continuously maintain a process of continual improvement and lead the periodic review of the Quality Management System to ensure its effectiveness and adequacy.