Granja Gascón 2 is a clear example of how pig farms will be in the future. A pig farm that is one step ahead, where the latest technology has been used with a complete production management system, both in weights and in feeding.
In the near future, integrators will start to demand a series of requirements in terms of animal welfare and sustainability. In this line, Exafan has launched a new Pig Growth Optimization System, XCALIBUR.
Hace un tiempo os adelantábamos algo de este proyecto en redes sociales…, pues ya hemos entregado esta granja de gestación, completamente equipada por EXAFAN, en Irlanda del Norte. Estamos muy orgullosos de cómo ha quedado.
Podéis verla en este video .
We present a weaning farm that we set up some time ago in the province of Huesca. We are very proud of it because of how well it turned out.
We hope you like it.